Thursday, October 27, 2011

Adventures...or lack thereof.

I was reading over some old posts from when I was in Africa. Remember how exciting my life was then? It hurts my heart. I am desperately craving some sort of adventure or change. The more I think about it the more I wonder, is that okay? Why am I not content with where I am or the things I have? My life has potential to be adventurous, right? I mean, I'm a full time student and employee. That's an adventure. Or at least finding time to do everything and still get sleep could be adventurous to some. I have become so, dare I say it,...BORED!
I hate that word. I hate even more the way boredom consumes. It sucks the production right out of me.
I feel like I am floundering out in the middle of the ocean. I am desperately grasping for excitement and adventure, yet I know what I need to get back to the shore. Sometimes, I don't know if I want the safety of the shore or not, though. Does that even make sense? Am I just rambling? Probably so.
I don't know. I'm procrastinating doing my homework right now. I had some thoughts and no one to share them with. Why not make them public, right? Ha. I'm a little sad, a little bored, a little stressed, a lot complacent, and I hate it.
Anyway, just pray for me. I could use it.

ps- rereading this made me think of Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb"...just an fyi.

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