Sunday, April 25, 2010


Oleotia?(How are you?) Ahh! It has been quite a while since I have updated, and I am not too sure where to begin. I have been here for a little over a month now and am learning how to make my way around Jinja. During my first week here God brought an opportunity to me. I randomly met Sara, who was looking for a way to teach a group of boys the Bible. She "doesn't know much about religion" but the kids from the street were asking her questions about Jesus! So now I teach the Bible for an hour a day, five days a week. Those boys have captured my heart. I also have an MK (missionary kids) youth group. I have about 8-10 kids every week and I really enjoy them as well. I lead a short devotional once a week for kids in an AIDS orphanage. I really admire those children.
God is providing plenty of children for me to work with (and possibly some to put in my suitcase and bring home). I am enjoying my experience and I am praying about staying a little while longer. Please continue to support me with your prayers!

I have had a few adventures since I've been here. Actually, driving anywhere is quite the adventure! I have seen the source of the river Nile (not all that exciting, but cool to say you have seen it). I have also visited Bujagali Falls, which was a little more adventurous. We took a boat ride to a small island and I was sure I would drown in the Nile. It was a small wooden boat that wasn't sealed very well. They had employed a child to scoop out the water that was leaking in! Needless to say, not the most enjoyable boat ride. I went hiking through the rain forest. I heard monkeys, but we could never see them. I am also now a pro at riding a boda. A boda is like a taxi, except it's a motorcycle. You have to sit side-saddle, and the first time is very scary. I am having fun!


  1. so great to hear your update tash! i <3 that you are <3ing being over there. there is always a plan...and it sounds like you are seeking the Lord in what His plan is for you.

    Much <3 Cuz!

  2. I loved this post so much Tashi! Miss you and can't wait to have a roomie reunion in June!!!
